Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Always Evolving and Changing

I couldn’t think of a more prevalent time to post this brief commentary of our journey thus far. Tonight’s historic event made me reflect on the opportunities we have and will have in the future. Being students in the process of growing a business involves innovation, creativity and constant change. I will not say that its been easy or that no risk is involved, but we have been persistent in our efforts. Suffice it to say we have pulled together our resources and continue to execute. We are embarking on a journey & here we will express our thoughts along with some random fun. We hope you join us each step of the way as we discover and develop. I wish all a good nights rest and productive future. I’ll leave this post with a quote from another entrepreneur: “A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer”.


Sarah Stuart said...

yes, good text and good job!!! but before the doer does something the doer is the dreamer dreaming about what to do. so i would say dreamers and doers all become the same... as long as the dreamer doesn't lose himself and stop doing! ;)

ARealist said...

Yes, action is key and in many cases a direct result of dreams. I think the person who was quoted was coming from a conventional entrepreneurial view being you identify a need and provide a solution. Your comment is true and I totally agree with you. I can name many innovative ideas that came to fruition due to dreamers. I find you to be an opportunity seeker, creator and initiator. All traits dreamers & doers should have. ☺

North Shore state of mind

North Shore Style is a fresh and trendy organization (‘company’ is such a constrictive term) that aims to reflect the north shore state of mind. North Shore Style embraces fashion, art, music, creativity, inspiration and the styles of different cultures of the world. Our philosophy represents our attitude toward the ongoing process of unending improvement through the use of expression---creating more than a brand; we’re helping to further develop an entire way of life! The message we want the public to take away is to embrace the unique state of mind that is The North Shore.

Here on the North Shore Style Blog it is our intention to provide content & commentary on our experiences as we grow & develop our business. Additionally, as students we aim to have fun while providing entrainment with our own style and perspectives. In short, were all about increasing our young generations’ awareness and entertainment by sharing our thoughts and experiences. We hope to build long-term relationships with others and most of all have fun in the process. We encourage all to express and share.